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A Management Model Based on Mutual Respect and Positive  Reinforcement

As part of the Human Race, we are all unique, but we have MANY commonalities. 

Most important of these is that we want to be respected and treated as equals.   We all have different gifts.  We are not all beautiful models, rock stars or part of the Royal Family.  What we might lack in physical beauty, we make up for in inner beauty or a special talent.  A heart of gold, an empathetic listener, a generous financial donor to a deserving charity, a beautiful voice, a care-giver, an artistic talent, an analytical brain, a love for animals, a devoted advocate for the “underdog”.   Each of us has a gift that is no less valuable than the other.  We all desire AND DESERVE respect from one another.

Another, is that we ALL respond to POSITIVE reinforcement much more than we do to NEGATIVE reinforcement. A management model that is based on penalties, punishment or “points”, is never going to tap into the awesome strength of a labor force that is motivated to work together in the spirit of teamwork,  a common goal to get the job done,  rewarding extra efforts, praise and recognizing the true value of each and every employee.  It is well-documented that THE MOST successful  businesses treat their employees with respect, dignity and fairness.

I believe the Murfreesboro CMOP could be a GREAT place to work, if these TWO simple concepts above are put into place.

Corporate Teamstaff Management – You can no longer deny it.  Things couldn’t get much worse.  It’s hard to tell which is more destructive there:  the hazards in the workplace, or the vitriol IN management and hatred OF the current management.  If you think a change of business model in Murfreesboro is something you may consider in the future, here are a few starting ideas.  There are MANY more!  Your employees have some great ideas themselves.  Why not ask them?

1. Complete overhaul of local management would mean a “clean slate”…a fresh start….a new beginning, and a first step in acknowledging the current faulty management model.  If a complete overhaul is not possible, then the EMPLOYEES MUST HAVE A VOICE THAT WILL BE HEARD.  Hire or appoint a TRUE Human Relations representative, someone selected and approved by the employees.  The employees would have the ultimate say in the hiring and firing of this vital HR position.  This HR representative must also have a strong voice in management.  Appointing a “puppet”, someone who can be easily intimidated, swayed or overpowered will be superficial and ineffective.  The HR position MUST HAVE POWERS and a VOICE IN UPPER MANAGEMENT.

2. Immediately disband the point system.  Assuming that the CMOP facility is (or will be) a safe and healthful place to work in the future, health issues should start to decline.  Call outs for sickness will begin to lessen.   In place of the hated Point System, use a system of Rewards.  Consider the following ideas:

3. Performance based Awards to those who work harder, faster, smarter than the average.  Whether it’s an extra vacation day, a bonus, or other special recognition.   CMOP has the capability to monitor each and every line worker’s production numbers.  This should be a VERY simple step to take. 

4. Create a fair system of HOLIDAYS OFF. 

5. Make Fridays a FUN day to work!  On Fridays, tell your employees that as soon as they make their numbers (either individually or for the entire shift), they can go home….WITH PAY.  Every once in awhile, surprise them with a Pizza Party, or bring in snack trays as a reward for a job well done,  pipe in some music….MAKE WORK FUN!

6. Start some friendly competition between day shift and evening shift.  See who can process the most orders, most accurately, by the end of their shifts.  The winning team gets ice cream brought in, or a special “Teamwork” Party.  Make it fun.  Make it friendly.  Make it a pleasure to come to work!

7. Encourage “teamwork” in your employees.  If someone calls out sick, (and it will happen even in a clean environment) a good “team” can stick together, each one working just a little harder, and still make the numbers.  Make a call to the sick person and ask how they are doing (and MEAN it).  Have some flowers or a fruit basket for them when they return from being sick.  Soon, your employees will feel more like a well-oiled production machine, a team, a family; instead of mindless, dull, disposable robots at your service.

8. Encourage your employees’ suggestions for improving ANY aspect of the CMOP operation.  Whether it’s conservation, recycling, safety, cost cutting measures, ideas for streamlining the operations…. Who knows the facility better than the employees?   Reward employees who identify meaningful and effective ways to save money by giving them bonuses (either time off or monetary) that are directly proportionate to the cost savings to the company.  So if an employee has an ingenious idea that will save the company $100,000 per year, give them a percentage of the anticipated savings.  1%, 2%, 5%, 10%  it doesn’t matter….but reward them for saving CMOP money!  I guarantee you, if this reward system is put into place, you will immediately have a change in attitude, and a lot of excellent cost cutting ideas come your way!

9. Have regular meetings to discuss new ideas, complaints, praise, policies, etc….just to stay “CONNECTED” to your team.  Become PART OF THEM, not SEPARATE FROM THEM.  Put in some time on the line yourself, every day….so they can see you are one of them, and not afraid to help out.

10. Every once in awhile, go up to them, pat them on the back and say, “John….I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your ___________(attitude, hard work, pleasant personality, kindness, punctuality, loyalty, etc.).  It means a lot to me!”

11. Make several of your employees the SAFETY STEWARDS involved in keeping the CMOP facility safe.  Trust in management has been seriously undermined, IF NOT COMPLETED ERODED.  Your employees deserve to have one or two representatives FROM EACH SHIFT involved in the HAZARDOUS DRUG SAFETY process.

12. Unless there is a valid counterpoint to this, let the employees sit on stools if they need to take a break. 

13. And by all means, give them the freedom and personal dignity to use the restroom when they need to.

These are just a few ideas for a new beginning….if one is sought.

Any other ideas from employees?  We’d love to hear!



  1. This would only happen in a dream world. If only PROTECTOR could replace CONRAD.

  2. Protector, if you decide to start a business or manage somewhere please let us know so we can apply.

  3. Actually, this IS the Management model in MOST successful businesses today. Intelligent business managers everywhere have learned that the model Teamstaff uses actually costs more money in the end; with constant turnover, training and re-training, employee dissatisfaction, time lost from the job due to illness and accidents, lawsuits, and higher wages needed to keep employees. They don't seem to realize that all the extra costs of poor management could be directed to the improvements mentioned above....and result in a cost savings annually. Unfortunately, Teamstaff appears to be stuck in a rut. "Intimidation and Fear" seems to be their preferred Management method. Even up at the corporate level, not just at the local level, based on Mr. Carlson's performance the other day. One thing I would say for certain, if I owned Teamstaff stock, I would be selling it off immediately. Multiple lawsuits and internal strife really cut into stockholder dividends and profit.

    Just my thoughts....


  4. well as of right now the ones that work hard dont get praise. the ones that dont do anything but talk all day, connie never seems to catch them. she only tries to make it harder on everyone else. if your her pets you can get by with everything. hair, points, talking, carrying your phone past the gates, etc. she really needs to start watching the camera's. she would really be surprised to see what her favorites do throughout the day.

  5. does this sound familar, you are talking to connie, she rolls her eyes during the conversation and talks down to you like your dumb

  6. You must be fairly new (two above). Connie does watch the cameras. She has her favorites for a reason. This will NEVER change, ever. I personally got caught with my phone past the gate by her and was suspended for a week. Before I got suspended I asked her to look at the videos because they would prove that holly leaves her phone in her desk to text/facebook. Connie said out didn't matter because holly "needed"her phone since it had all the workers contact info in it in case she needed to reach them. The honest, right thing doesn't matter to her. If she likes you, she likes you. If she doesn't, ha...good luck!

  7. Above comment. That is soooo true !! If you get on her bad side its pretty much over for you. Its even worse if her leads (Holly and Carrie) don't like you !!

  8. Holly and Carrie are Connie's puppets. (and carrie is holly's puppet) and they all talk crap about eachother, it's so funny! They are all idiotic *non educated* fools. And Carrie is just a fat white ghetto woman that will kiss anyone's ass to stay there even if she can't stand them. aw, they are pitiful. I still to this day just ignore them. I dread when my station locks up and have to look at their asses.
