As this story unfolds, it becomes more and more horrifying to think about what has been going on at Teamstaff. I never, in my wildest dreams realized the extent of Evil that resides in Connie, and the higher management that back her. It has become CRYSTAL CLEAR that the average CMOP employee has NOBODY to turn to. You can't talk to Connie, you can't talk to anyone in Corporate...HR (Human Relations) a joke. Who CAN you talk to who WILL LISTEN? There IS nobody for the employee.
I am getting more and more stories (not listed here) and I'm completely blown away by the deceit, actual outright lies, intimidation and harrassment of decent working people, just trying to make an honest living. I have come to a new understanding of this woman (she-devil, really)....and I come to realize more and more each day why she is despised so much, so universally.
We are investigating possible evidence that Connie Thomas and other management members have willfully and unlawfully under-reported, failed to report work related injuries and illnesses, plus they have harassed, committed blatant perjury (lied), mislead and intimidated employees who have been injured or taken ill while on the jobsite in order to reduce the number of Workers Compensation Claims against Teamstaff. Not only that, we are researching some leads that allege that Connie herself has actually called the employee’s physicians, in order to either INFLUENCE medical reports on the employee’s condition to circumvent Worker's Comp Claims, or override the physicians recommended work limitations for the employee. THIS IS ILLEGAL. If found to be true, this is a serious criminal offense. Please take the time to read this carefully and answer the following questions.
1. You might not know this, but Employers are REQUIRED by the Tennessee Workers’ Compensation Act to submit ALL KNOWN OR REPORTED JOBSITE INJURIES OR ILLNESS TO THEIR INSURANCE CARRIERS on Form C-20 (or the OSHA 301) within ONE working day of the injury or illness.
If you have ever been injured, lost consciousness or fallen ill while at the workplace, what normally happens? Are any forms filled out by management? Each and every time? Did you get a copy?
Have you ever been "strongly encouraged" by management to NOT fill out these forms? Did you ever receive threats, harassment or otherwise been told that if you file a workplace injury or illness claim, you’ll get into trouble, lose your job, be demoted, lose benefits or other threat?
2. Has management ever intimidated you in any way or try to minimalize your symptoms so that you wouldn’t fill out the required forms?
3. Has ANY member of management ever accompanied you to the ER or the hospital and tried to control or steer the conversation with your doctor? Did they try to tell your doctor that your illness was NOT job-related, or had nothing to do with the job?
4. Has ANY member of management been known to CALL your doctor or nurse and speak with him/her about your condition without your express approval?
5. Have you been aware of anyone who simply couldn't take the emotional abuse, intimidation or harrassment anymore and simply resigned? Referred to as HOSTILE WORK ENVIRONMENT.
6. Have you ever been told by management to return to FULL duty or else?, even if your doctor recommended lighter duty during your recovery?
All of these actions are ILLEGAL. PERIOD. And I know it happens at Teamstaff. And it's a crying shame.
Our ANONYMOUS blog has been fine up to now. But THIS is where we start gathering ACTUAL EVIDENCE FOR OUR FIGHT. Evidence is out there....we just have to put it all together and present our cases. I need your stories sent to my personal email, or in handwritten form with your signature. If we truly want to correct all the wrongs that have been done within these four walls to all these unsuspecting young people, management MUST be exposed. Anonymous frivolous comments are fun and entertaining, but they don’t cut it in CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS. I would like to have as many of these reports/stories by the end of the day next Wednesday. Thursday, Jackie and I have a special meeting in Nashville and we'd like to bring as much initial evidence with us as we can. We need to have any reports/stories no later than Wed. night (December 7th, 2011), for that meeting. (We will explain all the details of this meeting when the time is right.) If you want to call or text Jackie, she’ll be free to work on this issue! Thank you, Connie!)
By the way, this is the scoop on Jackie's wrongful termination....You should all read this and remember how devious TEAMSTAFF management truly is.
The forms Jackie refused to sign on Wednesday evening (that resulted in her firing), were the actual Workers Compensation forms that SHOULD HAVE BEEN FILED 2 YEARS AGO WHEN SHE WAS HOSPITALIZED but never were, as required by OSHA and the TENNESSEE WORKERS’ COMPENSATION ACT. And as a last-ditch effort to cover their "behinds", Management ...not only our beloved Connie but also CORPORATE MANAGEMENT -GENE CARLSON and his young assistant Amanda as well, ALL OF THEM were frantically attempting to cover up their record-keeping and medical reporting violations by getting Jackie to sign these forms before OSHA arrived. (Record-keeping violations were actually a component of our Complaint to OSHA.) As you all know, Jackie refused to sign. Then, on Thursday (Dec. 1), Connie came up to Jackie at the line and asked her again to sign the forms. When Jackie refused, Connie THREATENED HER WITH SUSPENSION IF SHE DID NOT SIGN. Jackie called me from the break room and told me what was going on. And when I advised Jackie (over the phone) again NOT to sign, Connie simply asked for her badge. The rest, as they say………is history! We immediately filed a Wrongful Termination Action under the Whistleblowers Act and that action has already begun. These things take time, but I will keep everyone posted on the progress.
Connie – Personal Message from me to you:
You are digging your own grave. Your days of intimidation and illegal actions are soon coming to an end. We're going to see this through. We're going to dig, and dig and dig….until you are completely exposed! You feel so much power and satisfaction when you're able to intimidate and bully others. A true sign of a psychopath.
What in heavens' name, happened to you that makes you actually revel in other peoples' pain and anquish?
You are a sad, sad soul and a warped human being. We all feel sorry for you.
But Better days are coming!
I truly believe in my heart there is sunshine at the end of this long tunnel! KUDOS to Murfreesboro CMOP employees that have endured this long under such oppressive, hateful conditions. You have my full sympathy and respect for all you've endured over the years. If you can endure Connie all this time, you can endure ANYTHING.
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